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Updated September 19, 2024

Daryl Sun --------- Training Facilitator Philippines I play with software and videogames. Sometimes I write things. > _If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants._ > > ~ Isaac Newton, February 1675 About Me -------- -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.1 GS d- s:+ a- C++ UL P L+ !E W++ N? o? K? w O? !M !V PS++ PE Y+ PGP++ !t !5 !X R tv b+ DI !D G e++ h-- r++ x- ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ * My profile picture across all my official online accounts is close to what I look like in real life. I commissioned it from Krougen; please check out her work! * I'm a training facilitator at a local organization. * I identify as panromantic asexual, and I'm in a relationship with my boyfriend since 2018. * I'm the Middle Childā„¢, born and raised in my home country. How to Keep in Touch -------------------- Here are the ways that I prefer we keep in touch! * The best way to contact me is by emailing I love receiving email! I admit, I don't always reply immediately, but I'll get back to your message as soon as I can. If you need additional privacy, please use my PGP key FFFF 47F2 ADA8 73F7. * Nowadays, I mainly post updates on my blog. To follow the blog, please check its Feeds page. For a quick look at what I'm currently doing, please check out my Now page! * Sometimes, I post to my statuslog, which cross-posts to on Mastodon. I also communicate with people on Mastodon. * I'm active on Discord as @darylsun, though I don't like most of Discord's practices, because that's where my friends and communities are. Please don't send me friend requests or direct messages unless we're close. * If you really need to privately chat with me in the most secure way possible, you may message darylsun.99 on Signal. * If you need to privately chat with me, but don't want to use Signal, you may message me on Matrix as I have a backup account,, which isn't as active. * I'm also and on XMPP. * You might also see me around on IRC occasionally as darylsun on or darylsun on * You may also message 05f79daf54df9338183e561383fee58a1417372690c0119f7815f620205f13d211 on Session, if you prefer. However, I can't guarantee that I'll reply immediately, or at all. Icebreaker Questions -------------------- * How's your blog coming along? * What media are you fixated on right now? * What music did you listen to on your commute? * What's the last videogame you played? * What are your plans for this upcoming weekend? Where Else to Find Me --------------------- Here are my online accounts that I check regularly. * ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI... * /proofs * ### Forums * Lemmy: * darylsun * MelonLand Forum: DarylSun * 32-Bit Cafe Forum: DarylSun ### Games * Steam: unrealdarylsun * GOG: unrealdarylsun * darylsun * Minecraft: DarylSun * tamaNOTchi World: DarylSun * Flowergame: DarylSun * Dragon Cave: DarylSun * Final Outpost: DarylSun * Magistream: DarylSun * Pixel Cat's End: DarylSun #14103 * Pixpet: DarylSun * Leetle Adoptables: DarylSun * Fallen London: Daryl Sun * Kingdom of Loathing: Daryl Sun (#3738104) ### Miscellaneous * Archive of Our Own: DarylSun * sourcehut: darylsun Where to Maybe Find Me ---------------------- These are my online accounts that exist for various purposes, but check rarely and are mostly inactive. ### Social Media * Pixelfed: * BookWyrm: ### Forums * Space Bar: DarylSun * Midnight Pub: darylsun * basement community: darylsun * Juice Bar: DarylSun * IndieWebForum: DarylSun * apioforum * Minetest Forum (inactive) * Minetest: DarylSun * Stardew Valley Forum ### Miscellaneous * Neocities: darylsun * Nekoweb: darylsun * Reocities: darylsun * GitHub: DarylSum * GitLab: DarylSum * Nostr: nprofile1qqs8aem6akpyh2g0y4ww2q8vgh0dfc0pc72wjez589jtkzkge35s4ugagflmd Where to Not Find Me -------------------- Any accounts that use my name, user name, or profile picture on these websites below do NOT belong to me. * Facebook * LinkedIn * X * Misskey * Firefish * Micro(.)blog * Threads * Instagram * Pinterest * DeviantArt * Snapchat * BeReal * Goodreads * Reddit * Kbin * Hacker News * Lobste(.)rs * Quora * Stack Overflow * Stack Exchange * Tumblr * Cohost * Ello * Medium * TinyLetter * Mailchimp * Buttondown * Substack * YouTube * Vimeo * Dailymotion * Nebula * Peertube * Threema * Line * Telegram * Viber * Skype * Slack * Line * Clubhouse * TikTok * Twitch * Funkwhale * Soundcloud * Bitbucket * Codeberg * SpaceHey * Dreamwidth * Medium * Squarespace * Wix * Weebly * Fanfiction(.)net * Wattpad * Fandom * Epic Games * Keybase Last updated 2024-09-19. Inspired by Where to Find Me and Alastair Johnston's Hello page. Explore the directory!

Updated September 16, 2024

Hello! My name is Daryl Sun. I use she/her pronouns. I play with software and videogames. Sometimes I write things. Daryl Sun's Journal (c) 2023-2024 by Daryl Sun is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Cool URIs don't change Ā· This Page is Designed to Last * About * Colophon * Awards & Clubs * What I Use * Who I Support * Wishlist * Shoebox * Feeds Return to Top

Updated September 18, 2024

Location -------- Bern, Switzerland What I'm up to -------------- * Trying to cultivate a writing habit (check my blog to verify). * Training for my next 10k race (Lausanne, in October 2024). Will do a few races in between as well. * Building my own Forever Diary with Laravel. I'm not planning to release it to the public, but it's useful to me and I'm learning a lot. * Building Tsugido, a simple daily todo list app with a few twists that helps me stay focused. This one will be released once it's somewhat polished, so hopefully, it will help you as well. * Studying Computer Science @University of Bern. * Working as the Lead Webflow Developer @Bloq Labs. What I'm reading ----------------

Updated September 16, 2024

As of September 16, 2024 here's what I'm doing now. * **Work**: Working as an Engineering Director at an STELLA Automotive AI. * **Community**: Figuring out what classes the AST can offer its members. * **Side Project(s)**: Maintaining an open source project and running its monthly newsletter. * **Writing:** Trying to re-establish a rhythm for writing and publishing externally and internally. * **Reading**: Reading "Outlive" by Peter Attia. Here are ways you can connect with me. * * * This page is inspired by Derek Siver's now page.

Updated September 18, 2024

Hey there! šŸ‘‹ This is Kshitij, and you have reached my space on the World Wide Web. Currently, Iā€™m based out of Berlin where I work as a software engineer mostly focusing on backend systems. This blog is the place where I think in public. Words help shape my thoughts. Though they may be far from perfect, but this process of discovery and expression is valuable. The posts are my attempt to share my ideas, and reflect on experiences. You can find my notes on this blog as well. Note: I have deliberately disabled comments on my articles on this site. It is neither my intention to refrain from feedback nor censor criticism of my writings. However, I definitely desire to _Make It Difficult_ to do so. Here are a links to know a bit more about me: * Check out Now to know more about my current interests. * My Shelf to explore the content Iā€™m consuming. * My public Running Log on Substack. * Influences: People who continue to shap my thinking. Feeds * Notes * Posts * All content In case you would like to discuss anything, please reach out to me on the social media accounts linked on the Home page. Alternately, via email. Cheers! šŸŗ

Updated September 18, 2024

Hi, Iā€™m Leo Glowacki -------------------- I craft practical solutions through data, code, and hands-on projects, blending my passions to help others thrive in their work and adventures. As an independent consultant and certified RStudio instructor with dual degrees in Data Analytics and Music from The Ohio State University, I focus on building solutions that concisely address the root cause of complex problems. Want to learn more about my journey in data science, music, and this world? Check out my resumeĀ or see what Iā€™m doing now. Iā€™m always interested in new connections and opportunities ā€“ donā€™t hesitate to get in touch!

Updated September 2, 2024

Updated Sep 2, 2024 by Peter Hagen. Here are things that I want to work on, but for which haven't found the right collaborators or moment yet. Send me an email if you want to chat about something! 1. Some way to connect people on the internet who want to work on the same things. I noticed that the best things in my life happened when met new people -- they made me realize what is possible and gave me the motivation to keep going. But local networks are quite limited unfortunately, and on social media you have to post regularly to get noticed. 2. A CRM for personal relationships that reminds you to stay in touch with the people you meet. The trick would be to automatically sync with your chat & emails so that you donā€™t have to manually enter information (which I always forget to do).

Updated September 16, 2024

Al momento sto lavorando al nuovo piano marketing della mia societĆ , Qabiria. Sto leggendo _The Age of AI and Our Human Future_ di Henry A. Kissinger, Eric Schmidt e Daniel Huttenlocher, nella traduzione spagnola. Oltre a questo: * Continuo a vedere serie TV e film interessanti, fra cui _In Line of Duty_, produzione britannica molto avvincente. * Continuo a frequentare un laboratorio di disegno e pittura a Badalona. Nel frattempo ho terminato il corso _How to Paint_ sulla piattaforma Kanopy. * Sto anche divertendomi con corsi di cucina, fra cui _The Everyday Gourmet. Rediscovering the Lost Art of Cooking_ del compianto Bill Briwa e un corso di cucina indiana su Craftsy. Questa pagina si chiama Ā«AdessoĀ» perchĆ© segue un'idea, poi diventata un piccolo movimento: quella di avere oltre alla pagina Ā«AboutĀ» (Chi sono) una pagina in cui riassumere ciĆ² in cui si ĆØ impegnati al momento, Ā«NowĀ» appunto. Tutti i dettagli si trovano nella pagina del suo autore, Derek Sivers. (Pagina aggiornata il 16/09/2024 alle 22:18).

Updated September 18, 2024

Welcome to my online garden! šŸ’ I am a software engineer from Split, Croatia. I write about programming, tech, and soft skills. My website is entirely ad-free, devoid of affiliate links, free from sponsored content, and there's no paywall. The sole driving force behind this website is my desire to share my knowledge with the world. Despite the prevailing challenges, I'm determined to contribute positively to the community, even if it's within this small corner. I live by two rules: 1) Don't be a jerk 2) Every person I meet is my superior in some way. In that, I learn from him. I like traveling, gaming, reading, football, padel, and pub quizzes. I am also a big fan of stoicism, which I try to practice in my daily life as much as possible. Favorites --------- * **Animal** - cat * **Colors** \- black and blue * **Football club** - FC Chelsea * **Video game** - The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt * **Book** \- "Ego is the enemy", Ryan Holiday Links ----- * LinkedIn * GitHub Miscellaneous ------------- Resume

Updated September 13, 2024

ā† ~ muhh internet happy place This is a list of things I want to do, itā€™s a partner to \[\[now\]\] and \[\[about\]\]. Read more about There are **a lot** of different project I want to do, more than I can in a reasonable time. But thatā€™s ok. Last update: 2024-09-13. ### Website * Photos * convert /notes to /journal and setup notes like a wiki. * switch theme to \[\[everforest\]\]. * import bookmarks from omnivore * fetch updates from my status page to get them home * mobile publish workflow, something over ssh should be not too much to build * pull in data from /now and display it here. create an archive from it. * add some more slashpages * improve the feeds ### Homelab * Build split keyboard * Plug new GPU card into \[\[cube\]\] * Setup \[\[homeassistant\]\] * Migrate that one Ubuntu VPS to \[\[NixOS\]\].

Updated August 19, 2024

Somewhere to publicly write the ideas I get. If you have any feedback, if you feel we can work together to make any of these happen, or if you have an idea you think we can build together, letā€™s talk! šŸ“– Used Book Subscription + Free Bookstore ------------------------------------------ #### Added to site August 19, 2024 While in Chicago I saw 2 bookstores that were really extraordinary: Books4Cause and OpenBooks. They both have similar models: They are sustained by monetizing a portion of books donated to them. The rest of the books they give away in one way or another. I found this model fascinating. Books4Cause in particular is not a non-profit, and itā€™s profitable. A free bookstore that is profitable. Amazing šŸ¤Æ I think I could build something similar in Colombia or Latin America. I believe I could have a subscription-based model for access to a set amount of books monthly while getting donations in order to get a better total catalogue and give away a portion as free books to the community. šŸ§‘ā€šŸŽ“ ISA Student Loans for Disadvantaged Youth ----------------------------------------------- #### Idea started Oct 2022. Added to site April 23rd, 2024 This was the company I was going to build right after selling Finco, but the macro environment just wasnā€™t favorable due to extremely high interest rates. In Latin America and developing countries in general, many promising young people from disadvantaged backgrounds never achieve their true potential due to factors external to them. Compared to their more affluent peers, their mothers had worse nutrition during pregnancy, they had a worse diet themselves, they have less stimulation growing up, and have a higher chance of dropping out of school for many different factors.. More importantly, many young people who do reach the end of high school still donā€™t go to the next step in their educational path because of economic, societal or other problems. What if you could find the students who managed to beat the odds, and who not only finished high school but excelled above their peers? What if you could give them a chance to study a high-earning-potential career and find them a corresponding high-paying job? you would be changing not only their lives but that of their families and future offspring as well. True social mobility would be achieved, their potential not lost to inequality but rather realized thanks to grit and perseverance. Something like Makers with a more social focus. I think you could offer these students an opportunity to study these careers through an Income-Share-Agreement loan. You would have every incentive to help them get the best possible career and job offer to maximize gains on the loan, while they would have every incentive to keep excelling to change their lives. It would be important to also aid in adjusting to an alien academic setting, mental health, living costs and other important factors that may determine their chances of realizing their dream. Also, programs wouldnā€™t necessarily need to be 4 year long programs. Why not 1 or 2-year-long courses on current demanded skills in the tech economy? This would lower costs, lower time to graduation, lower time to revenue, and lower drop-out rates. This has been my dream company for a couple of years now. Maybe soon Iā€™ll get it done. šŸ”ƒ -------------- #### Added April 23rd, 2024 Together with my wife, we bought the domain a couple of years ago. We totally suffer from domain-name shopping addiction. Another one of our other great acquisitions was (to sell this Colombian delicacy). ā€œRepitisā€ means ā€œto repeat something soon or immediatelyā€ in Colombian parlance. Typically used when doing something fun like a board game or pleasurable like sweet food, or more commonly, sex. Our initial idea since we just had the babies was to put up a circular economy website for baby clothing and items that get discarded as the kids grow out of them. We quickly realized that was kind of a logistical nightmare (baby items get dangerously close to biohazard waste status ā˜£ļø), but the domain name is so fucking good we just need to use it on something. We thought about a board game import company, but the margins were too low to make it lucrative and we would compete vs. Amazon delivery. Now, we just donā€™t know what to use it for! My latest ideas hover towards a dedicated place to sell old videogames and consoles. Do you have some idea of what we might use for? Let me know! šŸ“š No-bullshit Book Publisher ----------------------------- #### Added April 23rd, 2024 In a recent chat with a colleague at R5, he opened my eyes to an undeniable truth: Most instructional books could tell you all you need to know and be over in 50 pages or less. The rest of the content is just fluff. Now, Iā€™ve been reading a lot lately and I couldnā€™t agree more. I loved Atomic Habits but James Clear really goes overboard with the examples. He even has a 1-page summary of the book which could replace the whole thing easily. Maybe you could build a publisher that admonishes and embraces this fact, and instead of going for length, values conciseness. You could even sell ā€œcompilationsā€ of several books, which together make up the typical length of a more typical, bullshit-fluff-literary piece. ā© Express Video Interviews -------------------------- ##### Added March 5th, 2024 In my experience, the most bothersome part of recruiting someone new into your team is the first round of disqualifications. You go, make a nice post on LinkedIn, and suddenly you have 20+ applicants you want to interview. Now, talking to all of them will take at least 30 mins each or 20 hours total, so in practice, you end up shortlisting only 5 or so and hope for the best. What if you could lower that initial time from 30 minutes to only 5? The idea is to make a small service that lets you input a set of screening questions to be answered in less than 1 minute each. Candidates would record themselves answering them on the website and whatever came out, came out. No second takes! Bonus function: have Whisper make a transcript of the answers and then automatically use GPT-4ā€™s API to rate candidates based on your expected answers. šŸ‘—šŸ•¶ļø Boutique Brand Marketplace -------------------------------- ##### Added March 5th, 2024 Colombia and Latin America have a ton of cool boutique consumer-goods brands that could sell for a good margin in the US and Europe while maintaining a decent margin due to the lowish cost of manufacturing in LatAm. Because of how the economics work out, these brands sell for what would be considered a premium price in their local market, limiting their market reach. Many of these are also bootstrapped businesses with low financing available, with founding teams that are not knowledgeable on how to scale up a good product or how to reach international markets. You could group a bunch of these businesses under the same website/storefront, advertising them to US and EU customers as zany, Latino-owned, up-and-coming brands. This already happens physically in Colombia to some success as there are a ton of ā€œmulti-brand local entrepreneur storesā€ all around. The idea would be to take that concept, amp it up to 11 and bring it to a larger, more affluent market. šŸ‘·ā€ā™‚ļø Mid-sized Mall Renovation ------------------------------- ##### Added March 5th, 2024 There are 2 malls very near to my place in BogotĆ”, which is located in a reasonably affluent part of the city. One has the most expensive square-meter-rent-price in the country. The other is just ~2 blocks away but has 1/10th the rent price because of how run down it is. The second one is also extremely well located. Itā€™s at the intersection of 2 main roads, the sunday Ciclovia passes right in front of it and has several restaurants and bars nearby. It simply wasnā€™t maintained over time and now is an eyesore in an otherwise great zone. The idea would be to buy this place, renovate it and rent the commercial space out for somewhere around 5 to 8 times the current price, leveling it to the zone average. I LOVE this idea. The only bad part is that mortgage interest rates have skyrocketed in Colombia (currently around ~13% yearly) so the lease would probably be too expensive at the moment. Maybe there is some other way to finance the project that is less vulnerable to interest ratesā€¦

Updated September 2, 2024

**Published**: 2 Aug 2024 | **Updated**: 2 Sep 2024 Herein you'll find a considerable list of my ideas: for almost anything. Things I want to create or write, ideas that've caught my interest... Have a browse! My contribution to /ideas, created by Artem Tyurin, and compiled by Peter Hagen and Louis Barclay. See more folks' here. **Table Of Contents** * Artworks * Essays * Fiction * Notes * Pages * Poetry * Road Less Read Artworks -------- * A screenshot garden. * A series inspired by my favorite books. * My portfolio. * My photo gallery. Essays ------ * Albums that mean much to me. * How I built my site. * Life advice I hold onto. * Things I've noticed about countries I've visited. Fiction ------- * Behind-the-scenes during an amateur theatre production. * Falling Behind The Rotating World: A drama about multi-generational blended artistic family headed by a single father set in the near future. * Finish Don't Burn Too Bright. * The highs-and-lows of a young band growing up in the limelight. Notes ----- * A directory of interesting sites. * Experiences I want to have. * My favorite quotes. * My influences. * My music listening stats. * My zine collection. * Places I want to travel. * Send Something stats. * Tutorials for making envelopes from magazines, squiggly patterns, bouncy paper chains, and 'cheap wallpaper.' Pages ----- * My resume. * My zines. Poetry ------ * A chapbook inspired by lyrics from my favorite songs. * Blackout poetry collection. * Pieces inspired by my favorite films and tv shows. Road Less Read -------------- * A zine-themed directory. * Best practices for making zines. * Blurbs and miniature essays for books I love. * Compile my books read and my notes. * Convert Road Less Read from WordPress to static HTML. * Yearly reading statistics. ā€¢--ā™”--ā€¢ **Copy & Share**: **Statistics** ā†’ Word Count: 263 | Reading Time: 1:28 mins

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